Thursday, September 18, 2008
Pokemon Diamond Cheats
Action Replay Codes
Key items for lengendary pokemon (Shaymin, Darkrai, and Arcues)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
0000AA3C EDB88320
2000AA68 0000000X
D2000000 00000000
The X is where you type in A, 9, or 8.(You must hold down “L+R” while entering a Pokemart and then talk to the Green Man.)
A is for the Azure flute (Arcues).
9 is for Prof. Oak's Letter (Shaymin),
and 8 is for Member Card ( Darkai).
Take the Azure flute to Spear pillar to get Arcues.
Go to the house above the pokecenter in Canalave city with the member card to get Darkrai
and go to the end of Route 224 with oaks letter to go to Shaymin.
Lots of Codes(No Button activation/Auto Activate)
1.100% catch rate:any pokeball works like a masterball(use luxary ball):
9223C1F4 00002801 1223C1F4 00004280 D2000000 00000000
2.Catch trainers Pokemon:Catch any trainers Pokemon:Use with Code 1.(Do not use on Elite 4+Champion's 2nd-last pokemon-It'll say bad egg):
9223B5FA 00002101 1223B5FA 00002100 D2000000 00000000
3.Learn any TM/HM:Any Pokemon can learn any TM/HM:
9206A1B6 0000D001 1206A1B6 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
4.All shiny Pokemon:Every Pokemon is shiny as long as the code is still on(Even wild pokemon are shiny including you party and All Pokemon in Your PC:
12068AC6 000046CO
Manaphy Egg Event
94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 0000AA3C EDB88320 2000AA68 00000007 D2000000 00000000
Pokemon Modifier
94000130 FDFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 00000890 01ED0001 D0000000 00000000 DA000000 00000892 DC000000 00024620 C0000000 0000000B D7000000 00000000 DC000000 00000006 D2000000 00000000
Max Cash (Press L+R)
94000138 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 000002E4 000F423F D2000000 00000000
Max Revives x999
94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 00000DAC 03E7001D D2000000 00000000
Rare Candy 999 (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
00000dac 03e70032
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
00000dac 03e70032
d2000000 00000000
Ultimate Exp. Gain 65,000+ (Hold R at the end of the battle)
94000130 000002FF
62106FC0 00000000
B2106FC0 00000000
100458DC 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000
Wild Pokemon Get Maxed (31) IVs
12066C9C 0000201F
12066CB2 0000201F
12066CC8 0000201F
12066CDE 0000201F
12066CF4 0000201F
12066D0A 0000201F
100 people met (underground)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
00003C98 00000064
00003CCC 00000064
D2000000 00000000
10 Rare Spheres (underground)
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
e0004594 00000050
02020202 01010102
00000101 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
63636363 63636363
00006363 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
d2000000 00000000
10 plates in treasure bag
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
e000456c 00000028
21313a39 2c342d30
0000383b 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
d2000000 00000000
Infinite/Max Slot Coins
62106FC0 00000000
B2106FC0 00000000
10000298 0000C350
D2000000 00000000
Fast Egg Hatch
921ed410 00004281
121ed410 00004289
d20000000 0000000
Key items for lengendary pokemon (Shaymin, Darkrai, and Arcues)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
0000AA3C EDB88320
2000AA68 0000000X
D2000000 00000000
The X is where you type in A, 9, or 8.(You must hold down “L+R” while entering a Pokemart and then talk to the Green Man.)
A is for the Azure flute (Arcues).
9 is for Prof. Oak's Letter (Shaymin),
and 8 is for Member Card ( Darkai).
Take the Azure flute to Spear pillar to get Arcues.
Go to the house above the pokecenter in Canalave city with the member card to get Darkrai
and go to the end of Route 224 with oaks letter to go to Shaymin.
Lots of Codes(No Button activation/Auto Activate)
1.100% catch rate:any pokeball works like a masterball(use luxary ball):
9223C1F4 00002801 1223C1F4 00004280 D2000000 00000000
2.Catch trainers Pokemon:Catch any trainers Pokemon:Use with Code 1.(Do not use on Elite 4+Champion's 2nd-last pokemon-It'll say bad egg):
9223B5FA 00002101 1223B5FA 00002100 D2000000 00000000
3.Learn any TM/HM:Any Pokemon can learn any TM/HM:
9206A1B6 0000D001 1206A1B6 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
4.All shiny Pokemon:Every Pokemon is shiny as long as the code is still on(Even wild pokemon are shiny including you party and All Pokemon in Your PC:
12068AC6 000046CO
Manaphy Egg Event
94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 0000AA3C EDB88320 2000AA68 00000007 D2000000 00000000
Pokemon Modifier
94000130 FDFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 00000890 01ED0001 D0000000 00000000 DA000000 00000892 DC000000 00024620 C0000000 0000000B D7000000 00000000 DC000000 00000006 D2000000 00000000
Max Cash (Press L+R)
94000138 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 000002E4 000F423F D2000000 00000000
Max Revives x999
94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 00000DAC 03E7001D D2000000 00000000
Rare Candy 999 (Press L+R)
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
00000dac 03e70032
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
00000dac 03e70032
d2000000 00000000
Ultimate Exp. Gain 65,000+ (Hold R at the end of the battle)
94000130 000002FF
62106FC0 00000000
B2106FC0 00000000
100458DC 0000FFFF
D2000000 00000000
Wild Pokemon Get Maxed (31) IVs
12066C9C 0000201F
12066CB2 0000201F
12066CC8 0000201F
12066CDE 0000201F
12066CF4 0000201F
12066D0A 0000201F
100 people met (underground)
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
00003C98 00000064
00003CCC 00000064
D2000000 00000000
10 Rare Spheres (underground)
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
e0004594 00000050
02020202 01010102
00000101 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
63636363 63636363
00006363 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
d2000000 00000000
10 plates in treasure bag
94000130 fcff0000
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
e000456c 00000028
21313a39 2c342d30
0000383b 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
d2000000 00000000
Infinite/Max Slot Coins
62106FC0 00000000
B2106FC0 00000000
10000298 0000C350
D2000000 00000000
Fast Egg Hatch
921ed410 00004281
121ed410 00004289
d20000000 0000000
Pokemon Diamond Hints
Easy way to catch Pokemon
1. First teach one of your strong Pokemon False Swipe, or use one that already know it (if you decide to forget a move it might help if you forget one that you can teach back, via your bag/move tutor). False Swipe is a great move for catching Pokemon because is won't kill them (the worst it can do is leave the Pokemon on 1 health).
2. Next encounter the Pokemon you wish to catch. Then use False Swipe on it, if you've picked a strong Pokemon (say about 20 levels or higher than the Pokemon you wish to catch) the wild Pokemon should be on low health (probably 1 health). If not you False Swipe again, and keep repeating the process until your sure the Pokemon is on 1 health.
3. Finally try to catch the wild Pokemon with a Poke ball of some sort (if the Pokemon hasn't been caught after 5 Poke balls, try to put it asleep or paralyze it, then try again)
Eevee - Talk to bebe after beating the Elite Four
Vaporeon - use a Water Stone on an Eeevee
Jolteon - use a Thunder Stone on an Eevee
Flareon - use a Fire Stone on an Eevee
Umbreon - trade or level up an Eevee at night
Espeon - trade or level up an Eevee during daylight
Leafeon - go to Eterna florest and level up an Eevee once near the green rock
Glaceon - go to snowpoint city, go down until you see an area with many snow go to the grass in the northeast right part, level up an Eevee once near the white rock
Go to the entrance of wayward cave under the cycling path and then when in the cave go 11 steps up and 8 steps left, you will need strength to move boulders and will find earthquake tm. You have a 15% chance of finding Gible there.
During the game you will see orange trees every now and again. You can slather honey on them. To buy honey go to Floaroma Town and go to the northwest corner and go through the little entrance in the trees. There will be a man there selling honey for $100. Once you have bought some go to a honey tree and click the A button in front of it to slather honey come back later. If the tree is shaking it means there is a pokemon in it. Hopefully that will be a Heracross but its more likely to be a silcoon, burmy or combee. There is only a 10% chance it will be a Heracross. Another way to get one is visit the pal park and transfer one from your other pokemon games!
Go to florama town. Go up you will enter a flower meadow. Talk to the man you can buy honey for 100 points. Slather it on the tree next to the house.When the tree starts to wiggle save the game.There is a 60% chance it will be combee. If it is not a girl turn it off then back on until you see a female combee. Then evolve it into Vespiquen.
Note: This process may take up even to hours. The more honey you put the longer it will stay there.
On a Friday at any time of the day go to Valley Window Works. You will encounter Drifloon. It will evolve to Drifblim at level 28.
Note: It is a Ghost Flying type making it a good member for your team.
Chansey / Blissey Locations
Trophy Garden- Levels: 16 - 18 (5%)
Route 209- Levels: 16 (5%)
Route 210(South)- Levels: 18 - 20 (5%)
Chatot can be found during both day and night on Route 222 in the wild. There is a trainer in Eterna City that requests a trade, offering a Chatot for a Buizel, which is fairly easy to catch.
you can also catch purugly there in route 222 bring a lot of ultra balls if u are
Munchlax is obtained either by breeding Snorlaxes holding the Incense items during the breeding, or by the honey trees. The honey trees are the golden trees you find along forests and such, and upon hitting A in front of them, it offers a tidbit about a 'sweet scent in the air.' You must receive Honey from the man that Team Galactic is harassing in the zone at the northwest corner of Florama Town (there is a golden tree right near him.) Spread the honey on one of these trees, or multiple (hitting A will prompt you to do so) and return to it in a few hours, usually around 6-9. The tree is usually shaking; a battle will start upon interacting with it. Restarting the game has no effect on the Pokemon that appears. It goes from common to rare, from Wurmple to Munchlax. You may get Munchlax right away, or it may take hundreds of trees.
Bonsly is the baby form of Sudowoodo. You can get one by breeding Sudowoodo while they hold the Rock Incense item, or in the wild. In Diamond, it is very rare in the Trophy Garden. In Pearl, Bonsly is common in Route 209 and 210-South, and it is also in Trophy Garden.
Talk to the guy in the cave on Iron Island and he'll give you an egg. Hatch that egg (6,000 or so steps) and a Lv1 Riolu will emerge.
.cave? It's just at the Great Marsh's safari game; when you enter the building, go upstairs. Insert some money into all three pairs of binoculars, and look around the great marsh. If a picture of Carnivine doesn't show in any of the binoculars, it means that Carnivine can't be caught at that time. The pokemon you can catch in the safari game are different time to time, so you have to wait until it's Carnivine's turn. When it is, the binoculars will show a picture of Carnivine, and where he is.
First you need the super rod, next go to any of these areas and fish with it. They all have octillery in the water if you fish w/ the super rod. (super rod is given to by a guy in the fight area)
* Routes 213, 222, 223, 224, 230
* Sunyshore City
* Pastoria City
* Victory Road
* Into the Waterfall just a tad bit behind the pokemon league building
First: go to Mount Coronet, but you must be enter in the entrance near Eterna city, and must be a pokemon with strengt (fuerza) and rock smash and the super rod, luego inside hay a little lake into mount fish and fish, is very difficult to find but not impossible
To get Spiritomb, go to Solaceon Town and go downwards until you see a well-type looking thing. That is the Hallowed Tower, when you press 'A' on it, it will say:
It's the Hallowed Tower.
It appears to have been built
many years ago.
If it asks you to put in an 'Odd Keystone,' say yes. If you already have done so, go down underground with a friend, and have him/her go into his/her secret base and keep coming out and greet you.
Do this 32 times, go back up to the Hallowed Tower, and you will find Spiritomb. It is level 25, and you DO NOT have to see Spiritomb from the Champion Cynthia, I know becuase I did it. You can also do this with Odd Keystones more than once if your friends give you more. I only know of 2. The one by Hearthome City, there's a Karate guy to the left, beat him and talk to him, and the one below.
Already sold your Odd Keystone? No worries, there's another one. Fly to TwinLeaf Town, go down to the water, surf until you get to the middle, then go all the way left and press 'A' on the crack in between trees. If you're having trouble finding it, use your item radar PokeApp which is PokeApp #7.
Go to the end of Eterna Forest. You will see the gym leader. Cut down the trees, and walk into the mansion called the old chateau. Go up the stairs and go to the center door. Find the door with the tv and talk to it in between the hours of 22:00-4:00 at night. Change your DS time or something, to get Rotom.
Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit
To catch Uxie and Azelf you need to go to their caves and walk up to them and press A. A fight will then occur. You will need at least 30 Dusk Balls and 30 Ultra Balls to try and catch them.
Make sure to save before fighting.
I used about 25-30 on Uxie and then I was able to catch Azelf with only 3. It's best to have a Pokemon who can put these two to sleep. And if you use over 30 balls on each turn it off and try again.
To get Mespirit you need to go to his cave, talk to him and then he disappears. You then have to check your poketech map and you'll see a pokemon head on one of the roads or near a city, that's where he's at. You need to get there to catch him. Also every time you "zone" by either flying or walking in and out of a house, he moves.
It's best to have a Pokemon who can put him to sleep or who can use a move to get him to stay and not run. Each time you see him, he will ALWAYS run away unless you have a Pokemon who will keep him put.
Uxie is at lake acuity
Azelf is at Lake Valor
Fly to Canalave city. Then go down to the sailor that leads you to iron island. Then, from there, DONT talk to him. Go to the house on his left. There should be a sick boy. Talk to him and his mother. He is Sort of interesting. He says,"Dar..Dark...is watching me..." I've figured itsDarkrai, the EVENT pokemon that gives you nightmares. After that, go to the sailor again. Talk to him and he will get you to fullmoon island. Follow the short path, and you will eventually see Cresselia. Cresselia, unfortunatley, will fly away, and leaves the lunar wing behind. Get the lunar wing, go back to the sick boy, and talk to him. He will wake up. Now you can find cresselia on the marking map!!
You need to have Pokemon Ranger if you want Manaphy. You can't catch a Manaphy in Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl.You will not find Manaphy in the entire game.Manaphy is the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
Very many pokemon fans have wanted a chance to capture one of the rarest pokemon in sinnoh MANAPHY, but due to the fact that pokemon diamond and pearl do not have any available manaphy in the ENTIRE GAME. So the easiest way for you to get a manaphy is for you to get the game Called POKEMON RANGER. This game has a mission that is available for you to play after you do a few things.
(1) Beat the Pokemon Ranger game.
(2) On the ranger net screen hold the buttons R, X, and the D-PAD LEFT (if you beat the game you will know what the ranger net is).
(3) When the screen says enter password, input P8M2-9D6F-43H7 (Cap-sense is on).
(4) Then at the special missions screen you will see a mission called RESCUE THE EGG. Tap on it then do the mission and get the egg, this will not be easy and will take a lot of time and effort but it all pays off at the end.
(5) Borrow (or buy) a second Nintendo DS and the copy of Pokemon Diamond or Pearl you want the Manaphy on. The second DS should have Pokemon Ranger inserted. Go to the Ranger net with the Ranger DS and tap on CHECK THE EGG and then tap SEND MESSAGE. If your Diamond/Pearl DS is close enough to receive the message, you will get the Manaphy egg traded to you.
Put Manaphy in the day-care with a ditto and it can breed a Phione
You have to go to pal park now. ;). Now fly to sandgem town. When you go down onto the surf reigon, keep going to the right, until you reach an island. Keep going and going, until you get to the pal park. Professer Oak will be there. Once you talk to him, gooooo on, and talk to the dude. after you do that, go on and save. Turn off your game and turn it back on. Instead of going back
into the game, go down a few options and you should see a thing that says 'Migrate from____', whatever game you have in the gameboy slot. Now transport the three regis.
=====Snowpoint Temple====
Ok, fly to Snowpoint city. Go north, in between those trees. A women should be guarding the place, and then the gym leader comes and tells you you can pass, and blah blah BLAH! Now, back to the walkthrough. Whew, I don't like this place. Its not too hard to figure out, but hard in a way. It's a slide-on-ice thing, so you know about this from the 7th gym. Anyways, I've listed how to get through Snowpoint temple.
Allright. Go to the northeast island, the fight area...etc. You can get there by talking to the sailor at Snowpoint. Proceed, and keep going until you reach the survival area. Then, go to the right, and keep going. When you reach a surf area, surf to the right. Go Up when you reach land. Do that, and use your bike to do jumps on those yellow rock things, and you can get all the way up. Follow the path, and It'll be like Fallabor Town in Ruby and Sapphire and Emerald. Anways, proceed to your right, Fight the trainer And enter Stark Mountain. Anyways, when you get to heatran, This is why I say hes hard.
A new path has appeared on the place below Veilstone city. Go to it! It should be called spring path. There will be a cave if you go around the circular path. Go in it! This is where the challenge begins
Enter any pokemart to see a man in green standing next to the counter. Talk tohim and he will give you the Members Card. Fly to Canalave city and head northof the pokemon center. There is a Harbor Inn that you can now enter. Onceinside, you will be put in a bed and taken to an island that just has Darkraiwaiting. Darkrai is level 40 and you cannot leave the island unless you capture or defeat Darkrai so be sure to bring a party that can handle it.
NOTE: You cannot get into the Inn if you have not cured the sick boy with the Lunar Wing. See the Cresselia section of the guide if you have not taken care of the sick boy.
Enter any pokemart to see a man in green standing next to the counter. Talk to h m and he will give you the Oak's Letter. The letter is a request for you to go to Route 224 so go there now. Fly to the Pokemon League and head south backinto Victory Road. There is a cave that goes east in the first room of the Victory Road cave and it is open now. You need to take that cave. Why going through the cave, you will meet up with Marley and she will ask to follow you through the cave. The cave gets foggy here as well. You are definitely going to want to have Defog in here as the cave is long and tedious. The cave's exit is in the northwest corner and you end up outside.
There is grass here and some trainers. Make your way north through the grass. Keep heading north and you will reach a white rock with Oak standing in front of it. He will ask you to thank someone and put what you want and suddenly, flowers eveywhere. Shaymin will appear and run away so follow it! Run along the new path for a while and you will eventually reach Flower Paradise. Shaymin is just ahead.
Shaymin is lvl30 and has a recover move. It isn't hard to catch and I caught it full health with a great ball. Once you have caught Shaymin, fly away. Shaymin comes attached with a Lum Berry.
Enter any pokemart to see a man in green standing next to the counter. Talk to him and he will give you the Azure Flute. You need to go to the Spear Pillar again, to where you fought Dialga/Palkia. When you get to the top, the flute will play and a staircase will appear. Go up the stairways and as soon as you reach the top, you fight Arceus. Arceus is lvl80 and changes forms depending on which plate you attach to it."
Mystery Gift
1. Go to the Jubilife TV station in Jubilife City.
2. Go to the 3rd floor.
3. Talk to the man in the lower room (he’s on the left).
4. The first two words you tell him are ''everyone'' and ''happy''.
5. the second two words are ''wi-Fi'' and ''Connection''.
This will then unlock the Mystery Gift feature on the main menu.
# When you go into it you can recieve your gift 3 ways: Friend
# Wireless
# Wi-fi (kinda) -- while you won't get a gift from this cheat, just get the option to receive it, but when pokemon announces when the mystery event will be, go receive wifi and if you are lucky, you might receive a mystery gift/ legendary pokemon/ wicked sweet area/ ticket/ member pass.
The next list are not legendary
Trophy Garden
If you go to the Pokemon Mansion on route 212 you'll see a man in the first room to the right. Talk to him and say yes to his two questions. Then he'll tell you about pokemon he saw in his garden.
Mime Jr.
Swarming Pokemon
The other way to find pokemon is by going to Sandgem Town and go to the Prof. Assistant's house. Talk to the little girl and she'll tell you that a certain pokemon has been seen.
NOTE: only applies after you get the National Dex
1. First teach one of your strong Pokemon False Swipe, or use one that already know it (if you decide to forget a move it might help if you forget one that you can teach back, via your bag/move tutor). False Swipe is a great move for catching Pokemon because is won't kill them (the worst it can do is leave the Pokemon on 1 health).
2. Next encounter the Pokemon you wish to catch. Then use False Swipe on it, if you've picked a strong Pokemon (say about 20 levels or higher than the Pokemon you wish to catch) the wild Pokemon should be on low health (probably 1 health). If not you False Swipe again, and keep repeating the process until your sure the Pokemon is on 1 health.
3. Finally try to catch the wild Pokemon with a Poke ball of some sort (if the Pokemon hasn't been caught after 5 Poke balls, try to put it asleep or paralyze it, then try again)
Eevee - Talk to bebe after beating the Elite Four
Vaporeon - use a Water Stone on an Eeevee
Jolteon - use a Thunder Stone on an Eevee
Flareon - use a Fire Stone on an Eevee
Umbreon - trade or level up an Eevee at night
Espeon - trade or level up an Eevee during daylight
Leafeon - go to Eterna florest and level up an Eevee once near the green rock
Glaceon - go to snowpoint city, go down until you see an area with many snow go to the grass in the northeast right part, level up an Eevee once near the white rock
Go to the entrance of wayward cave under the cycling path and then when in the cave go 11 steps up and 8 steps left, you will need strength to move boulders and will find earthquake tm. You have a 15% chance of finding Gible there.
During the game you will see orange trees every now and again. You can slather honey on them. To buy honey go to Floaroma Town and go to the northwest corner and go through the little entrance in the trees. There will be a man there selling honey for $100. Once you have bought some go to a honey tree and click the A button in front of it to slather honey come back later. If the tree is shaking it means there is a pokemon in it. Hopefully that will be a Heracross but its more likely to be a silcoon, burmy or combee. There is only a 10% chance it will be a Heracross. Another way to get one is visit the pal park and transfer one from your other pokemon games!
Go to florama town. Go up you will enter a flower meadow. Talk to the man you can buy honey for 100 points. Slather it on the tree next to the house.When the tree starts to wiggle save the game.There is a 60% chance it will be combee. If it is not a girl turn it off then back on until you see a female combee. Then evolve it into Vespiquen.
Note: This process may take up even to hours. The more honey you put the longer it will stay there.
On a Friday at any time of the day go to Valley Window Works. You will encounter Drifloon. It will evolve to Drifblim at level 28.
Note: It is a Ghost Flying type making it a good member for your team.
Chansey / Blissey Locations
Trophy Garden- Levels: 16 - 18 (5%)
Route 209- Levels: 16 (5%)
Route 210(South)- Levels: 18 - 20 (5%)
Chatot can be found during both day and night on Route 222 in the wild. There is a trainer in Eterna City that requests a trade, offering a Chatot for a Buizel, which is fairly easy to catch.
you can also catch purugly there in route 222 bring a lot of ultra balls if u are
Munchlax is obtained either by breeding Snorlaxes holding the Incense items during the breeding, or by the honey trees. The honey trees are the golden trees you find along forests and such, and upon hitting A in front of them, it offers a tidbit about a 'sweet scent in the air.' You must receive Honey from the man that Team Galactic is harassing in the zone at the northwest corner of Florama Town (there is a golden tree right near him.) Spread the honey on one of these trees, or multiple (hitting A will prompt you to do so) and return to it in a few hours, usually around 6-9. The tree is usually shaking; a battle will start upon interacting with it. Restarting the game has no effect on the Pokemon that appears. It goes from common to rare, from Wurmple to Munchlax. You may get Munchlax right away, or it may take hundreds of trees.
Bonsly is the baby form of Sudowoodo. You can get one by breeding Sudowoodo while they hold the Rock Incense item, or in the wild. In Diamond, it is very rare in the Trophy Garden. In Pearl, Bonsly is common in Route 209 and 210-South, and it is also in Trophy Garden.
Talk to the guy in the cave on Iron Island and he'll give you an egg. Hatch that egg (6,000 or so steps) and a Lv1 Riolu will emerge.
.cave? It's just at the Great Marsh's safari game; when you enter the building, go upstairs. Insert some money into all three pairs of binoculars, and look around the great marsh. If a picture of Carnivine doesn't show in any of the binoculars, it means that Carnivine can't be caught at that time. The pokemon you can catch in the safari game are different time to time, so you have to wait until it's Carnivine's turn. When it is, the binoculars will show a picture of Carnivine, and where he is.
First you need the super rod, next go to any of these areas and fish with it. They all have octillery in the water if you fish w/ the super rod. (super rod is given to by a guy in the fight area)
* Routes 213, 222, 223, 224, 230
* Sunyshore City
* Pastoria City
* Victory Road
* Into the Waterfall just a tad bit behind the pokemon league building
First: go to Mount Coronet, but you must be enter in the entrance near Eterna city, and must be a pokemon with strengt (fuerza) and rock smash and the super rod, luego inside hay a little lake into mount fish and fish, is very difficult to find but not impossible
To get Spiritomb, go to Solaceon Town and go downwards until you see a well-type looking thing. That is the Hallowed Tower, when you press 'A' on it, it will say:
It's the Hallowed Tower.
It appears to have been built
many years ago.
If it asks you to put in an 'Odd Keystone,' say yes. If you already have done so, go down underground with a friend, and have him/her go into his/her secret base and keep coming out and greet you.
Do this 32 times, go back up to the Hallowed Tower, and you will find Spiritomb. It is level 25, and you DO NOT have to see Spiritomb from the Champion Cynthia, I know becuase I did it. You can also do this with Odd Keystones more than once if your friends give you more. I only know of 2. The one by Hearthome City, there's a Karate guy to the left, beat him and talk to him, and the one below.
Already sold your Odd Keystone? No worries, there's another one. Fly to TwinLeaf Town, go down to the water, surf until you get to the middle, then go all the way left and press 'A' on the crack in between trees. If you're having trouble finding it, use your item radar PokeApp which is PokeApp #7.
Go to the end of Eterna Forest. You will see the gym leader. Cut down the trees, and walk into the mansion called the old chateau. Go up the stairs and go to the center door. Find the door with the tv and talk to it in between the hours of 22:00-4:00 at night. Change your DS time or something, to get Rotom.
Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit
To catch Uxie and Azelf you need to go to their caves and walk up to them and press A. A fight will then occur. You will need at least 30 Dusk Balls and 30 Ultra Balls to try and catch them.
Make sure to save before fighting.
I used about 25-30 on Uxie and then I was able to catch Azelf with only 3. It's best to have a Pokemon who can put these two to sleep. And if you use over 30 balls on each turn it off and try again.
To get Mespirit you need to go to his cave, talk to him and then he disappears. You then have to check your poketech map and you'll see a pokemon head on one of the roads or near a city, that's where he's at. You need to get there to catch him. Also every time you "zone" by either flying or walking in and out of a house, he moves.
It's best to have a Pokemon who can put him to sleep or who can use a move to get him to stay and not run. Each time you see him, he will ALWAYS run away unless you have a Pokemon who will keep him put.
Uxie is at lake acuity
Azelf is at Lake Valor
Fly to Canalave city. Then go down to the sailor that leads you to iron island. Then, from there, DONT talk to him. Go to the house on his left. There should be a sick boy. Talk to him and his mother. He is Sort of interesting. He says,"Dar..Dark...is watching me..." I've figured itsDarkrai, the EVENT pokemon that gives you nightmares. After that, go to the sailor again. Talk to him and he will get you to fullmoon island. Follow the short path, and you will eventually see Cresselia. Cresselia, unfortunatley, will fly away, and leaves the lunar wing behind. Get the lunar wing, go back to the sick boy, and talk to him. He will wake up. Now you can find cresselia on the marking map!!
You need to have Pokemon Ranger if you want Manaphy. You can't catch a Manaphy in Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl.You will not find Manaphy in the entire game.Manaphy is the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
Very many pokemon fans have wanted a chance to capture one of the rarest pokemon in sinnoh MANAPHY, but due to the fact that pokemon diamond and pearl do not have any available manaphy in the ENTIRE GAME. So the easiest way for you to get a manaphy is for you to get the game Called POKEMON RANGER. This game has a mission that is available for you to play after you do a few things.
(1) Beat the Pokemon Ranger game.
(2) On the ranger net screen hold the buttons R, X, and the D-PAD LEFT (if you beat the game you will know what the ranger net is).
(3) When the screen says enter password, input P8M2-9D6F-43H7 (Cap-sense is on).
(4) Then at the special missions screen you will see a mission called RESCUE THE EGG. Tap on it then do the mission and get the egg, this will not be easy and will take a lot of time and effort but it all pays off at the end.
(5) Borrow (or buy) a second Nintendo DS and the copy of Pokemon Diamond or Pearl you want the Manaphy on. The second DS should have Pokemon Ranger inserted. Go to the Ranger net with the Ranger DS and tap on CHECK THE EGG and then tap SEND MESSAGE. If your Diamond/Pearl DS is close enough to receive the message, you will get the Manaphy egg traded to you.
Put Manaphy in the day-care with a ditto and it can breed a Phione
You have to go to pal park now. ;). Now fly to sandgem town. When you go down onto the surf reigon, keep going to the right, until you reach an island. Keep going and going, until you get to the pal park. Professer Oak will be there. Once you talk to him, gooooo on, and talk to the dude. after you do that, go on and save. Turn off your game and turn it back on. Instead of going back
into the game, go down a few options and you should see a thing that says 'Migrate from____', whatever game you have in the gameboy slot. Now transport the three regis.
=====Snowpoint Temple====
Ok, fly to Snowpoint city. Go north, in between those trees. A women should be guarding the place, and then the gym leader comes and tells you you can pass, and blah blah BLAH! Now, back to the walkthrough. Whew, I don't like this place. Its not too hard to figure out, but hard in a way. It's a slide-on-ice thing, so you know about this from the 7th gym. Anyways, I've listed how to get through Snowpoint temple.
Allright. Go to the northeast island, the fight area...etc. You can get there by talking to the sailor at Snowpoint. Proceed, and keep going until you reach the survival area. Then, go to the right, and keep going. When you reach a surf area, surf to the right. Go Up when you reach land. Do that, and use your bike to do jumps on those yellow rock things, and you can get all the way up. Follow the path, and It'll be like Fallabor Town in Ruby and Sapphire and Emerald. Anways, proceed to your right, Fight the trainer And enter Stark Mountain. Anyways, when you get to heatran, This is why I say hes hard.
A new path has appeared on the place below Veilstone city. Go to it! It should be called spring path. There will be a cave if you go around the circular path. Go in it! This is where the challenge begins
Enter any pokemart to see a man in green standing next to the counter. Talk tohim and he will give you the Members Card. Fly to Canalave city and head northof the pokemon center. There is a Harbor Inn that you can now enter. Onceinside, you will be put in a bed and taken to an island that just has Darkraiwaiting. Darkrai is level 40 and you cannot leave the island unless you capture or defeat Darkrai so be sure to bring a party that can handle it.
NOTE: You cannot get into the Inn if you have not cured the sick boy with the Lunar Wing. See the Cresselia section of the guide if you have not taken care of the sick boy.
Enter any pokemart to see a man in green standing next to the counter. Talk to h m and he will give you the Oak's Letter. The letter is a request for you to go to Route 224 so go there now. Fly to the Pokemon League and head south backinto Victory Road. There is a cave that goes east in the first room of the Victory Road cave and it is open now. You need to take that cave. Why going through the cave, you will meet up with Marley and she will ask to follow you through the cave. The cave gets foggy here as well. You are definitely going to want to have Defog in here as the cave is long and tedious. The cave's exit is in the northwest corner and you end up outside.
There is grass here and some trainers. Make your way north through the grass. Keep heading north and you will reach a white rock with Oak standing in front of it. He will ask you to thank someone and put what you want and suddenly, flowers eveywhere. Shaymin will appear and run away so follow it! Run along the new path for a while and you will eventually reach Flower Paradise. Shaymin is just ahead.
Shaymin is lvl30 and has a recover move. It isn't hard to catch and I caught it full health with a great ball. Once you have caught Shaymin, fly away. Shaymin comes attached with a Lum Berry.
Enter any pokemart to see a man in green standing next to the counter. Talk to him and he will give you the Azure Flute. You need to go to the Spear Pillar again, to where you fought Dialga/Palkia. When you get to the top, the flute will play and a staircase will appear. Go up the stairways and as soon as you reach the top, you fight Arceus. Arceus is lvl80 and changes forms depending on which plate you attach to it."
Mystery Gift
1. Go to the Jubilife TV station in Jubilife City.
2. Go to the 3rd floor.
3. Talk to the man in the lower room (he’s on the left).
4. The first two words you tell him are ''everyone'' and ''happy''.
5. the second two words are ''wi-Fi'' and ''Connection''.
This will then unlock the Mystery Gift feature on the main menu.
# When you go into it you can recieve your gift 3 ways: Friend
# Wireless
# Wi-fi (kinda) -- while you won't get a gift from this cheat, just get the option to receive it, but when pokemon announces when the mystery event will be, go receive wifi and if you are lucky, you might receive a mystery gift/ legendary pokemon/ wicked sweet area/ ticket/ member pass.
The next list are not legendary
Trophy Garden
If you go to the Pokemon Mansion on route 212 you'll see a man in the first room to the right. Talk to him and say yes to his two questions. Then he'll tell you about pokemon he saw in his garden.
Mime Jr.
Swarming Pokemon
The other way to find pokemon is by going to Sandgem Town and go to the Prof. Assistant's house. Talk to the little girl and she'll tell you that a certain pokemon has been seen.
NOTE: only applies after you get the National Dex
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